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Announcement from Sep 17, 2021We are just over a week away from our 2021 Season End Show&Shine and Track Day! This year since we are combining both events (You can register online at our e-store), we have outlined how the day will unfold below for everyone. Keep in mind you can register for both the Track and Show&Shine Online until Friday Sept 24th. After that you can register at the event on Sunday Sept 26th in person.
9:00AM – 10:00AM
TRACK: Our track day starts at 9:00AM, so we ask everyone registered for the track to come for 9:00AM, we will be going over the rules/map at 9:30AM sharp!
SHOW&SHINE: We ask all our sponsors, vendors, and volunteers to come at 9:00AM and be ready by 10:00AM. BMWTN Staff will be on site from 8AM if you wish to come earlier.
10:00AM – 11:00AM
TRACK: We should be done all briefing and registration by this point. We will have the advanced group go on the track first, and we will have our own pro drivers take the beginners group on the track to show them the lines, rules, cones, etc.
SHOW&SHINE: For those participating in the Show&Shine you can come as early as 9:00AM. Please go to our main booth (Large 20×20 white tent) for your registration forms! And then our staff will show you where to park.
In addition, all spectators can also arrive at this time who do not wish to partake in the Show&Shine but want to still display their cars. We are having an area in the show for competitors and for spectators. Everyone is part of the event!
11:00AM – 4:00PM
TRACK: Open Lapping in 30 minute intervals between the beginners and advanced group throughout the day. We have the track until 4pm.
SHOW&SHINE: Judging for trophies will begin at 11AM, we highly suggest all participants in the show and shine be at the event by 11AM so they are not missed.
During this time there will be music, various games you can play just for fun or to win raffle tickets, food, and more.
4:00PM – 5:00PM
At 4PM we will be announcing the Trophy winners, the Best of Show Ace of Spades Bottle Trophy winners, the $600 Cash Raffle Winner, and the Raffle Prizes Winners! Once this is done the show will wrap up for the season.
- Open Track (Take Part or Spectate)
- Food Kiosk
- DJ/Music
- Sponsor/Vendor Tents
- BMWTN 2021 Hoodies on Sale Exclusively at Event – Limited Quantities
- Challenge GTA Racing Simulators (Top 3 Fastest Lap Times Wins CASH Prize)
- Aerial Performance Media – Drone of Your Car on the Track
- Archery Competition (Hit the targets, win raffle prize tickets)
- Sniper Gun Competition (Hit the targets, win raffle prize tickets)
- Dual Hoop Competition (Winner of each dual wins raffle prize tickets)
- Football Toss Competition (Hit the targets, win raffle prize tickets)