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BMWTN at Importfest 2015 Review
Announcement from Aug 28, 2015On August 22nd 2015 BMWTrueNorth made a big splash for the first time ever taking part in Importfest. We had a large area with over 20 club members cars taking part this year, including an E92 LibertyWalks which won second place best BMW.
We want to thank all our sponsors, staff members, and club members that came out that day to show their support and help us setup our own area. A big thank you to our club member Jason that not only brought our his six series BMW to show his support, but also hired models Jasmine and Melody as additional BMWTN models.
Also we want to thank our models Bree Leigh and Whitney Cole that only spent the entire day with us, but also sold signed posters with all proceeds going towards our charity cause for the season. These two women rock, and we are proud to have them as our models.
Given this was our first time, we learned a lot about the setup and what to improve on, and we hope Importfest will have us again next year so we can do an even better display of our club. Special thanks to Basit Mirza for welcoming us!!