Dear club members and BMW enthusiasts alike,
The BMWTN VIP card distinguishes our club members from the over 15,000 people in our general Facebook page and will ensure club members gain all the benefits we worked hard to obtain for our community of enthusiasts. As a club, we want to ensure that we are able to organize some of the best events for the community all season long and we have a committed group of staff members to seeing this vision through. The BMW True North membership card aims to place the benefits directly with those who support the club.
The annual, March to March, membership card also helps increase the club’s ability to engage larger companies and work towards obtaining greater benefits for our members. A number of larger companies are interested in engaging the club but want to ensure we have some means of clearly showing an individual’s membership beyond them just mentioning the club name. Financial support obtained through the membership cards will also give us some flexibility in how we can expand the club and grow the benefits that members can reap.
The membership card is not meant in any way shape or form to gouge our members. The benefits and discounts applied to the card far outweigh the cost of a yearly membership. We structured this with the intent of showing everyone that your money spent is quickly returned to you several times over by the season end. Free raffle tickets, invitations to exclusive events, discounts at sponsors shops and services, plus discounted access to our big Show&Shine event and swag cost much more than the membership fee.
We invite you to read over the benefits outlined below in regards to becoming a BMW True North Member, and hope you can support the club moving forward. Bigger and greater things await everyone that wishes to take part.
1. Personalized BMW True North Membership Card
Your own personalized BMW True North membership card will come with a set of coupons for swag and other benefits. Please note that due to the customized nature of each card it can take a week or two before they are available to be shipped out. The first batch of cards for a season is typically available in the April/May timeframe. However, discounts at sponsors such as Pfaff and Parkview BMW would be active immediately. |
2. Up to 20% off Accessories and Parts at Pfaff BMW, Pfaff BMW Markham, and Parkview BMW
Only club members that show their card or verified as members using an online system can gain the benefits of up to 20% off at Pfaff BMW, Pfaff BMW Markhamd, and Parkview BMW on accessories and parts. This helps ensure that they are discounting actual members of the club they are supporting rather than random people that may have heard of the deal online through other mediums. |
3. Win $700 CASH at our Season End Show&Shine
Only BMWTN membership card holders are eligible for the grand prize of $700.00 Cash. When you get our membership card, you will automatically get a ticket into the draw. Additional tickets can be purchased at our Show & Shine event by showing your card at our booth. |
4. BMWTrueNorth is a Non-Profit Organization
One of the founding goals for the club is to harness the passion that BMW owners have to make a positive impact to the communities in which we live. As such, we give a percentage of money collected to charities throughout the season. When you become a member, you’re also contributing to the club’s charitable efforts. The club prides itself in its ability to help those less fortunate and you as a club member are a direct help in this effort. There is something intrinsically rewarding to know you’re part of something that is making a significant positive impact to those less fortunate. |
5. Special Pricing for Membership Card Holders
Throughout the season we will arrange discount pricing for services and items from our sponsors to members that show their membership card. We want to maximize the savings to our dedicated members while at the same time helping our sponsors market their products and services. Some savings include: 20% Off parts and Accessories from PFAFF BMW, Markham BMW, and Parkview BMW. |
6. Invitation to Private Events, Exclusive Track Days, and Photoshoots
We will work towards organizing private events at restaurants, closed track days, and photoshoots at secure locations for our dedicated members which will include photographers and professional models. To gain access to these events you will be sent an email at the address associated to the PayPal account you registered with and you will need to show your card once you enter the premises. |
7. Access to the VIP Facebook Group
We have created a VIP group that only club members take part in. This creates an opportunity for the actual members of the club to converse online without the huge amount of people in our main group. |
8. Discounts at Events for Swag and Raffle Tickets
Card members will be given discounts to enter certain events and discounts to purchase items when they show their membership card at our tent. |
9. Discounted access to Bimmerfest Canada
Card holders will get discounted access into Bimmerfest Canada. Canada’s largest BMW Event hosted at Cayuga Motorsports Park (Open Lapping, Drift Challenge, Drag Strip, Competitions, Show & Shine, Raffle Prizes, Vendor Tents, and much more). |