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Niagara Winery Cruise Review and Photos
Announcement from Jun 4, 2015On May 30th 2015 BMWTrueNorth had our first annual Niagara Winery Cruise. Over 100 BMW’s from our club got together and we headed towards the Niagara region enjoying the winding roads and beautiful weather. One of our main goals was to get everyone through the underground tunnel together which was a fun and very loud experience that everyone enjoyed.
After the tunnel run we stopped at the Two Sisters Vineyard Estate where we all took pictures in their private location and enjoyed a light snack. We look forward to seeing them again in 2016.
We then cruised to the Port Dalhousie Pier Marina for more amazing photos, and ended our cruise at a lunch spot nearby.
We want to thank all our club members that joined us and made this cruise a memorable experience. Until next year!!
Special thanks to Deep Patel for these amazing photos!