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Pearson Airport Charity Event Plane Pull 2023

Announcement from Jun 5, 2023

This year, BMWTrueNorth was back at Pearson Aiport taking part in Orbis Canada’s Plane Pull for Sight event. Our team competed to pull a 60-tonne FedEx 757 cargo plane 20 feet as fast as we could (In  2019 we held the fastest record). It’s all to raise money to support Orbis’s sight-saving work around the world and the worlds only eye flying hospital.

This year overall Toronto raised more than $130,000.00.  CLICK HERE TO SEE THE ALBUM

BMWTrueNorth was the third highest donating group at $4,521.00 We would like to thank everyone that donated to this cause and supported our group!

BMWTrueNorth also had the third highest top fundraiser, with Nick Maroulis collecting over $2,800.00

We look forward to doing it all over again next year!!